Saturday, March 5, 2016

French Revolution Interactive Notebooks

So we have just finished our French Revolution Unit. During this until we tried (for the first time) interactive notebooks! *Gasp* I know, behind on the time Mrs. Ham! But we tried for just this unit, and as I expected some kids HATED them and some kids LOVED them. Below are some of the students creative works of interactive notebooks:

A lot of my students put in a good amount of effort (especially for the cover). Overall, for our first interactive notebook as students and teachers I think we did fairly well. There were certainly some learning curves and ways I could have made it better for the students. But they learned some things and one thing that stuck with them the most was "let them eat cake". It stuck with them so much that they asked if on the last day of the unit if I would let them eat cake.... so of course I did!

Until next time! 

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